Josh H
Traffic Research is the Only SEO Program I Pay For
Jul 3, 2019 Active verified member for 9 years
I've been in the SEO business for more than 14 years and I've given my money to exactly one SEO training program: Traffic Research. I found Eric and Traffic Research after being devastated by the Panda and Penguin updates. I was desperate for help. Not only did I find step-by-step recipes for recovery, but gained an insight into where SEO was headed and what I was going to have to do if I was going to survive. That was several years ago and, by incorporating what's been covered here, I've increased my traffic literally by 1,600% since the depths of the post-Penguin and post-Panda days. My content is better, visitors are happier, and I'm making more money. One of the most refreshing parts of Traffic Research is how down-to-earth and approachable Eric is. It's far too common for... I've been in the SEO business for more than 14 years and I've given my money to exactly one SEO training program: Traffic Research. I found Eric and Traffic Research after being devastated by the Panda and Penguin updates. I was desperate for help. Not only did I find step-by-step recipes for recovery, but gained an insight into where SEO was headed and what I was going to have to do if I was going to survive. That was several years ago and, by incorporating what's been covered here, I've increased my traffic literally by 1,600% since the depths of the post-Penguin and post-Panda days. My content is better, visitors are happier, and I'm making more money. One of the most refreshing parts of Traffic Research is how down-to-earth and approachable Eric is. It's far too common for "experts" on the internet to either be condescending or simply not give you the time of day. Eric always gives thoughtful personal attention when it's asked for, either directly or in the forums. He's given me some nuggets that I still think about every time I create content. Eric doesn't attack anyone or make anybody feel stupid, which I think is a rare quality online in SEO these days. I've continued my membership since day one largely because of the weekly (or more) SEO courses. Eric covers a variety of topics with professional videos, whether it's an on-page recipe, a spreadsheet for tracking anchor text, or big-picture ideas for tackling changes in Google's algorithm. Simply put, Eric and Traffic Research single-handedly transformed me from an old-school SEO practitioner that was fighting a losing war. I've never been tempted to cancel my membership or look elsewhere for better advice. I'm don't necessarily *want* other SEOs to learn the best from Traffic Research, but there's no denying that they will if they apply what's available to members here.
Alex McIlvride
The Psychology of SEO
Jan 22, 2021 Active verified member for 9 years
The most important lesson I've learned from Traffic Research is the psychological aspect of SEO and how we often create our own overwhelm, which can ultimately hinder our success and learning process. SEO is no easy feat, and the vast quantity of quality material in this membership area proves that. The combination of material supplied, along with the step by step guidance Eric provides is one I haven’t experience elsewhere. I am also loving the SEO Forum and engagement between members
Kreg Ertman
Solid Advice Again & Again
Nov 26, 2019 Active verified member for 9 years
After seeing Eric blow them away at SEO Rockstars, I've followed -- and listened. Later, we benefited from his Penguin recovery program that brought our rankings back faster than the competition. Across the years, when I think there's nothing more to learn, Eric comes up with new strategies. From Wikipedia to Reddit hacks, he finds angles that get results. There's so much inside TR to implement; without Eric, my job would indeed be more difficult.
Andrew Reichek
Do You Want to Save your Time?
Jun 12, 2022 Active verified member for 6 years
You could spend years on your own trying to figure out how to rank. Why waste any time doing that when its all right here. If you are tired of wasting money on SEO that doesn't work, then Traffic Research is going to open your eyes on how Google really works and what they value. Your current SEO probably charges you more in a month than this service costs per year.
Paul Matthews
10x better than anything else on the web!
Jul 21, 2020 Active verified member for 5 years
I am a business owner who has been doing seo for my own sites on and off for over 10 years. Recently I wanted to take it to the next level. After watching some really great videos, I came across Eric's site and joined about 3 weeks ago. I am totally blown away by the amount of content and the high quality of the content, way better than anything else I've seen!